How Taking Charge Of Your Finances Is Possible & Not a Dream
Dec 19, 2023Have you addressed your relationship as a speaker and business owner to money and financial planning?
Taking charge of your finances and shifting your mindset around money is critical to building your legacy, but many of us don’t know how to make our money work for us. Investment Advisor and Financial Planner Tremaine Wills, M.B.A., shares her unique insight on money mindset, asset growth, and financial planning in this episode so you can take charge of your finances and achieve your financial aspirations.
Join us for an uplifting dialogue around money as a resource and using them to create the life you want to live instead of being controlled by your money or the lack thereof.
Focus Points:
- How Self-Belief Affects Your Relationship To Money
- Money As A Resource
- Why Every Dollar Needs A Job
- Directing Your Assets To Work For You
Tremaine Wills, M.B.A., is an Investment Advisor and Financial Planner. She is the owner of Mind Over Money, a Registered Investment Advisor firm, where she focuses on helping ambitious minority entrepreneurs invest their profits without wasting time or energy. Tremaine is a Certified Financial Education Instructor passionate about building wealth in our community. This passion led her to create and develop The 4 Comma Collective, a community focused on helping 1 million entrepreneurs grow their invested assets to $ 1 million over the next 20 years following her signature framework, The R.I.C.H. Roadmap. She was recently named Top 50 under 50 by the Association of African American Financial Advisors, Top 100 Financial Advisors by Investopedia, and nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year by Black Brand, the Hampton Roads Regional Chamber of Commerce. Tremaine has been in a myriad of notable publications, including Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Yahoo Finance, and Business Insider. You can connect with her @tremainewills, learn money tips following @therichroadmap, and join the trillion-dollar movement @4commacollective
Connect with Tremaine On Instagram here: instagram.com/tremainewills
Learn more about Tremaine’s work here: visit.mindovermoney.net/4-comma-collective-membership
Affiliate Link To Take advantage Of A 14-Day Free Trial for the RICH Roadmap Membership: https://bit.ly/fourcommacollectivetrial
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