Breakthrough to Excellence® Podcast

Breakthrough to Excellence® Podcast

Hosted by: Beyond the Prophy LLC

Breakthrough to Excellence™ podcast provides strategies in live business trainings with Jasmin Haley, nationally awarded Speaker and Biz Strategist, and the empowering stories of entrepreneurial women who have...


Episode 65: Ep 65 - Season 2 Finale: What Being Out Of Alignment Is Costing Your Business?

Season #2 Episode #65

Have you stalled in pursuing your speaker or business goals because of negative experiences of the past? Choosing not to pursue our goals because of false narratives can ultimately affect your business growth.    Is...
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Episode 64: Building The Right Team To Scale Your Business With Intention with Kimone Napier

Season #2 Episode #64

Are you trying to scale your business, and do you know that hiring a team is your next step? Or maybe you’ve tried to hire but you can’t seem to find the right people. Are you delegating tasks to your employees but...
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Episode 63: NOW Is The Time To Take Your Expertise To The Stage

Season #2 Episode #63

Have you always wanted to share your message on stage, but you aren’t exactly sure how to do that? Or maybe you’ve done plenty of speaking engagements, but have never been paid for all of the work you put into it?...
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Episode 62: How to Have Your First Successful Launch with Tasha Booth

Season #2 Episode #62

Have you tried to launch a product or service and can’t seem to get the needle moving? When you do a webinar or a challenge for your community, does it feel like you are draining all of your energy for not much of a...
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Episode 61: Building An Offer That Transforms Your Clients

Season #2 Episode #61

Does your offer truly create the transformation you promised on your sales page? Are you struggling with how to scale your offer past six figures? Do you have a great service or product, but can’t seem to get repeat...
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Episode 60: How To Avoid Legal Pitfalls In Your Business with Jessica Bull

Season #2 Episode #60

When you began your business, did you get a lawyer involved? Are you nearing or past six figures and still don’t have a legal advisor helping you with your processes? How about an LLC, and trademark;  are you...
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Episode 59: Profitable Speaking- Is it possible?

Season #2 Episode #59

Just a couple of episodes ago, we talked about how to amplify your brand with public speaking. But is it actually profitable to do it? Can you add to your bottom line with speaking gigs? The answer is absolutely yes,...
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Episode 58: How To Create Systems In Your Biz Now with Theresa Truong

Season #2 Episode #58

Do you have systems set up in your business or are you winging it most days? Are you doing the same tasks over and over again without automation? How are you on-boarding new clients and employees when they start...
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Episode 57: How To Amplify Your Brand Through Speaking

Season #2 Episode #57

Have you tried public speaking to amplify your brand and message? Do you know it’s one of the most powerful ways to connect to your audience and convert them to clients? It can sound overwhelming at first, but you may...
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How To Create A Course That Sells with Adrienne Johnson

Season #2 Episode #56

Do you have a course and it just isn’t selling? Maybe you have people starting but not finishing? How many refund requests are you getting each month?  Digital courses seem to be all the rage right now, but far too...
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Episode 55: Setting Up Your Systems to Win

Season #2 Episode #55

Do you feel like you’re doing ALL of the things for your company? Are you EVERYWHERE but you still aren’t seeing the growth you desire in your business? Is your team great, but you feel like you have to monitor...
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Episode 54: How To Find The Best VA For Your Biz with Bianca Smith

Season #2 Episode #54

Are you trying to do everything in your business and find yourself barely keeping your head above water? You know you want to scale, but you seem to have issues with letting go of the little tasks. Every CEO...
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