Episode 54: How To Find The Best VA For Your Biz with Bianca Smith

Season #2 Episode #54

Are you trying to do everything in your business and find yourself barely keeping your head above water? You know you want to scale, but you seem to have issues with letting go of the little tasks. Every CEO eventually gets to this crossroad, and a VA can help. 


In this episode, we talk to  Bianca Smith, the founder and owner of SimplifiedVAServices, a Virtual Assistant Agency, helping female entrepreneurs simplify their life, so they are able to spend more time doing what they love and grow their business. She shares all her tips on how to find a great VA, including what NOT to do when you are first delegating tasks. 


Topics we discuss:

  • Why you need to outsource to scale and how a VA can help.
  • How to know if a specific VA is a right fit for you.
  • Why you need to have a level of trust with your VA.
  • The systems you should have in place before you hire a VA.
  • Why you need to be very clear on what you need help with before you hire.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in our episodes are not the opinions of our podcast or our sponsors.

Episode Sponsor:

Jasmin Haley DBA Beyond the Prophy LLC

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