Episode 17: Turning Your Book Into A Profitable Course With Parchelle Tashi

Season #2

 Are you interested in publishing your book and leveraging it into a profitable course?

In this episode, award-winning creative educator and monetization & repurposing expert Parchelle Tashi shares her deep knowledge of leveraging books into online courses that bring in revenue and increase your brand's impact. Anyone who has ever dreamed of publishing a book or turning their existing book into a profitable course will want to hear Parchelle’s tips about repurposing what they already know into another way for audiences to get the results they seek.

Focus Points: 

  • Why repurposing and creating a course can increase your impact & income
  • How money mindset trauma affects publishing & creating digital content 
  • How to fund your course or product in the face of financial challenges
  • Getting rid of the myth of little time, little money 

Parchelle Tashi is an award-winning creative educator who partners with authors to help them repurpose and monetize their bestselling books as premium and profitable online courses that create impact and additional income.


Learn more about Parchelle’s work here:  https://www.theauthorsleverage.com/ 

Follow Jasmin Haley on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/itsjasminhaley 

Subscribe to the Legacy SpeakerTM show here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-legacy-speaker-show/id1618109130 



The opinions expressed in our episodes are not the opinions of our podcast or event sponsors.

Episode Sponsor:

Jasmin Haley DBA Beyond the Prophy LLC, www.jasminhaley.com